Thursday, April 30, 2009

Follow Up to "Brain Pain"

Sorry about the lack of updates!

Well, I think I should recap my visit to the hospital. Though I was sceptical, everything went quite smoothly. This Doctor knew what he was doing, it was easy to tell.
I was poked and prodded (including being stabbed in the face and other various parts by pins),
and asked a hell-of-a-lot of questions.
And this is what came of it:
  • Basically, other Doctors had classified my headaches as a single problem
  • This was not the case
  • I have three different kinds of headaches
  • All three have different kinds of medicines
  • They are all curable, with a little experimentation of what drug works for me

Top Banana! I just need to take my medicine on a regular basis and then I'll be fine. At least, that is what we are hoping.

The bad news with all this? No caffeine for a week. I didn't realize my dependency on it until I was off it. My god, I love that stuff. I'm not one for coffee, but all my drinks contain tea (specifically green tea) which has a lot of the good-'ol-stuff in it.

I don't think I've ever been so damn tired.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Brain Pain

Well, I'm off to the hospital today.

You see, I've been having headaches. All the time. 24/7.
It's gotten to the point where its really invading my life. I have to constantly take meds, keep a journal rating the pain of my headache, and continue to live my life as if nothing is happening to me.
I've gotten a blood test, I've talked with my doctor, and no one seems to know what the hell is wrong.
"It's just stress" has been the most common, cop-out answer. It isn't stress. I know it isn't because when I was on vacation, being the most relaxed I had been in a very long time, I had one of the worst bouts of headaches I'd ever had.

Well now I'm off to see a 'specialist'. Forgive me if I'm sceptical, but I feel like he won't be able to figure out what's wrong either.
I've pretty much resigned myself to living the rest of my life with these headaches, slowly becoming accustomed to the constant pressure in my brain.

I just hope I'm wrong.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Bon Voyage!"

I'm so happy right now I could cry.

My grandmother just gave me one of the best presents in all the world - the gift of travel and life experiences.
My Bubby, as we call her, stayed with my family for the past few days...just a friendly visit and whatnot. My sister and I are both going traveling this summer - My sister is off on an exchange to Australia, while I'm going to Kenya. Both these places, as you can imagine, are quite expensive. I had to do a lot of promising, begging, and bargaining in order to convince my parents to even consider letting me go. So, naturally, we were both enthralled when my parents agreed to both trips.
This brings us back to my grandmother - my sister and I couldn't shut up about our trips! And, thank goodness, my Bubby kept asking to hear more about it.

Well, only a few moments ago she had to hop on a train back to Montreal. We said our goodbyes, knowing we'd see each other in a months time for the unveiling of my grandfathers grave stone. While closing the door behind her she paused and turned to my sister and I, quite casually, and said:
"By the way, I'll be paying for both your trips this summer. Bon Voyage!"

It was completely unexpected, and I almost couldn't find the words to thank her!
BonVoyage indeed!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Underrated Superhero

Kids, raise your hands if you know who Deadpool is. What, none of you know who is is?
I'm not surprised.

Deadpool has to be one of my favourite superheroes (though its hard to define his that way, he's more of an anti-hero psychopath than anything...) and goddamn it, no one knows how awesome he is. But maybe, next month, they will.
That's right kids! Deadpool makes his live action appearance is 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'. I can only hope it will live up to expectations and be as kick-ass as we're all hoping for.

Speaking of character, let me introduce you to Deadpool.
Don't worry, I'm not giving away much of his can leave that job to the movie.
Basicly, I'm going to tell you why he's one of my favourites.

1. He's a mercenary.
That means a shit load of guns and blowing people up. Fun! He's known as 'The Merc with the Mouth'. My kinda guy, if you ask me.

2. He's got Wolverine's healing powers, and doesn't mind dying.
He might even enjoy it. In one issue, he actually yells to be run through by Wolverine's adamantium claws. Psychopathic fun!

3. He knows he's a comic book character.
That's right, you heard me. He knows things he shouldn't about the Marvel universe, and assumingly would only know these things if he read the comics of his fellow heroes! He's also completely cognizant of the fact that he, too, is a character by breaking the third wall on a nearly regular basis. It makes for some amazing dialog.

He's a hard character to get down just right, but I have confidence.
Some spoilers on the web have told me that you don't get to see Deadpool in his recognizable (at least for us nerds) red-and-black outfit. I don't care to much about that as long as they do him right.

Here's hoping.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Just a little something I doodled during Media Arts (even though that wasn't at all what we were working on.)
I've tried over and over to draw a decent picture of myself, and I feel like this narrowly qualifies. It isn't amazing, but for the short amount of time I drew it in I think it came out quite well. I'm trying a new colouring style recommended and taught to me by some friends online.
To be honest, it doesn't quite work with my style. The colouring by itself is very smooth, soft, and light. I love it, but not with the think-lined cartoon style I've adopted.
I'm sure I'll find a better use for it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I am the Mastermind, Intelligent by design

I felt that I should open my new blog with a few lyrics from the song 'Mastermind' by Mindless Self Indulgence.
Hence the strange title.

I have no idea if this blog will go anywhere. I've changed a lot since my old blog, titled ' Bamboo Forest', was deleted. I think I've always wanted to start blog up again, but never gained the confidence back. Well, surprisingly unlike me, I've jumped aboard the 'mainstream train' stop, Blog Spot.