Thursday, May 28, 2009


1. I'm still working on my's almost done!

2. I received 'Arts Leader' for my graduating class of 2010! It's gonna be a great year.

3. I received 'Assembly Committee Leader' for next year, too!

4. Just finished reading Squee! by J. Vasquez (It was, unsurprisingly, amazing)

5. AnimeNorth (my super nerdy Anime convention) was fantastic. One of the best years yet, and I'm a 5 year veteran

...I'll write more updates later (and give a screen-shot of my W.I.P. website),
but I need to study some bloody Functions and Applications right about now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Sonia wants me to tell the world how stupid our government is.

...Hello World. Our government is stupid.
The End.

Monday, May 25, 2009

This is my evening.

I'm tired. It's getting late. Haven't finished my homework. Have lots of work to do. Have a headache. Have an alergic reaction on both arms. Have school in the morning. Lots of chores to finish.

...Fuck it all, I'm gonna go read me some Deadpool.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Artistically frustrated

I'm going crazy. Honest, I'm just going crazy.

I have so many damn things to do, and knowing that I'll be applying to University/College soon isn't helping. I want to do something in the Arts, possibly animation. I'd love that. But I'm just going damn crazy trying to get my art skills up to my own standards.

I wrote this to some of my online friends:
I don't know why, but every time I start drawing,
I get pissed off at how its turning out and I end up stopping.

Then one of my good online friends said this:
Yeah that happens to everyone.
Its like right in between when your artist eye has gotten better, but your technique is a bit behind it,
Just focus on practicing and keep posittivveeee to keep yourself out of an art block
Right after this your art should improve~"

When she wrote "Its like right in between when your artist eye has gotten better, but your technique is a bit behind it", I couldn't believe it. She had taken my frustrations and put it into words, and it suddenly made perfect sense.

I know that I can't stop, that I can't give up. This is what I love...drawing, filming, animating...ART! And even if I get frustrated, I need to keep at it.
So, on that note, this entry begins with a little something I doodled up.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Virus Squared

Well, I'm sick. Again...Why am I always bloody sick? I used to have a damn strong immune system, but it's like it has decided to make up for years of not being sick.
And, seemingly, it has decided to do it all in short period of time. Joy.

My computer was sick too, and had to be completely re-imaged today. I wasn't worried, since I had everything all backed up. I'm pretty darn happy nothing was lost - I was working on some artwork, too! It was nice to see that some of my online friends had commented on my absence.
I missed you guys, too.

So, basically, this post it to assure everyone that I'm back and not dead.
Seriously. I'm not.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fuzzy Contemplation

Well, I'm sick. Again. Whoop-de-doo.

I should really be doing homework while I sit up in bed, but my head feels all fuzzy. The only reason I'm even blogging is because I'm bored. At least, I think that's why. I'm too tired to tell.

Anyways, I was just contemplating how beautiful my dog is.
She's lying next to me, like she knows I need someone to snuggle right now, and she's just breathing lightly and drifting off to sleep. It's adorable.
She's so soft, too, and doesn't mind me leaning against her even though it must be a bit uncomfortable. She really does look like a little black fox when she sleeps. She curls up into a ball, and lets her tail cover over her nose. Sometimes she stretches out and makes little snuffling sounds, and her paws twitch, almost as if she were running in her sleep. I bet she dreams of chasing squirrels.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Death of a Friend

I get attached to things too quickly.
So far, in my life, it has been both a blessing and a curse.

The title of this blog states 'Death of a Friend', when it really should say 'Death of a Pet'. However, though it was my pet (if only for a few weeks), it was more of a friend than anything. I recently received two goldfish from the 'Arts Dinner' at my school. They had been swimming in glass vases on each table as its centerpiece, and were given away later in the evening. I gladly took two home, and named them Purge (male) and Proxy (female).

Well, this morning, Proxy passed away.

I'm sure most of you are rolling your eyes thinking "It's just a bloody fish". Well, yes. Yes, it was a fish. But she was my fish, and my friend, and I loved her. Proxy was a bright orange goldfish, the kind you see in every Internet picture when you type 'Goldfish' into the server. But she was still special. She was energetic, and ate more food than I really should have given her...spoiled little fish. I'll remember her with fondness.

Purge, my black goldfish, is getting along nicely. After Proxy died I cleaned out his tank, refilled his water, and fed him.
He spent the next half hour flitting back and forth in the tank, clearly not happy.

I guess that makes two of us.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Overworked, Underpaid, Overloaded, Under pressure


I have just too much to do, and not enough time to do it.
It's the bloody plea of every teenager, I'm sure.
More than just teenages...of everyone!
I'm just sick of working, working, working, and yet never getting anything done!
There is always something else to be done! ALWAYS.

I shouldn't even be blogging right now.
I should be working.

...I'll go do that.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

X-men Origins: Wolverine (RANT)

If you haven't seen the movie don't read this.

Just got out from seeing the newest X-men movie to hit theaters. Now, first let me say that I loved it. Sure their were a lot of problems with it, that I can understand. But none the less, it was a very well done movie that had what people wanted - action, backstory, mutants, violence, revenge, love, wit, and Hugh Jackman naked.
I will reiterate. I really enjoyed the movie.
None the less, I'm going to rip it to pieces on a single account.

So, as most of you know from a previous post, I'm a Deadpool fan. I love the 'Merc with a Mouth', because he's just such a damn brilliant character.
And at the start of the movie, as Wade Willson, he was freakin' awesome. I was literally jumping out of my seat. He's got the wit, the charm, and the skills that we'd expect from Deadpool. Which, in a way, didn't make sense. In the comics, Wade Wilson was rather on the silent side of things. Only after he becomes Deadpool does he start jabbering away.
A.K.A. - The movie had it backwards.
In this version, Wade Wilson is yakking away and his future self, Deadpool, has his mouth sewn closed.
This, in retrospect, is a pretty small detail considering everything else they did to Deadpool.

I'm not going to rant on about all the powers they gave him, and how we have to assume that he loses all of them except his healing ability. Whatever.

It's just...his character design made me pretty mad. Sure, he had scars on his eyes that kinda looked like the black markings on his mask. Sure. But what was with the weird patterns on his body? They could have made him look a little Deadpool. In the comics, Weapon XI and Deadpool are two entirely different characters, and they desided to amalgimate them into one for the movie. So let me get this strait...they chose to name the character Deadpool, but made him appear like Weapon XI? Riiiight...
I'm just going to say that this 'Deadpool' is an alternate reality version, made specifically for the movies. Kinda in the same way that this movie has an awesome Sabertooth, but in the other X-men movies, he's a bloody idiot that has no relevance to this plot.

Now, it's secret ending time.
Only when I got back home did I learn that they were actually showing different secret endings in different theaters. I thought it was a rumor - and apparently is not.
The ending I saw at the end of the credits was the Deadpool one, thank goodness, and apparently has the most relevance to the plot. Deadpool lives. Huzzah! But...if they ever create a Deadpool movie spin-off, how the hell are they going to fix all this? How will they turn him from a villain back into our beloved, talkative mercenary?
The other ending (which I saw later on Youtube) had no relevance to the plot. It was just Wolverine drinking and talking in Japanese...pointless.

HOWEVER. There have been rumors. I believe them to be just that - Rumors. I have heard that one secret ending is that the real Wade Wilson picks up Deadpool's head and says 'Who the hell is that?'. This, basically, would fix everything. The Deadpool that we saw was, in fact, not really Deadpool but a clone of Wade. That would work perfectly! The awesome-Wade from the beginning would go on to turn into the Deadpool we know and love, and this Deadpool-clone would just be an experiment gone wrong. However, this rumored ending conflicts with the one I saw, making it even more unlikely.
In any case, I haven't been able to find that rumored version anywhere on the Internet.
Also, Wikipedia states that their are only two endings.

So, to conclude, this wasn't a bad movie debut for Deadpool. Though casting him as the 'silent villain' later on may have ended up being a poor choice, I still feel that it worked out in the end. If the audience loves Deadpool enough, maybe he'll get his own Origins movie in which Marvel can set things right.