Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Artistically frustrated

I'm going crazy. Honest, I'm just going crazy.

I have so many damn things to do, and knowing that I'll be applying to University/College soon isn't helping. I want to do something in the Arts, possibly animation. I'd love that. But I'm just going damn crazy trying to get my art skills up to my own standards.

I wrote this to some of my online friends:
I don't know why, but every time I start drawing,
I get pissed off at how its turning out and I end up stopping.

Then one of my good online friends said this:
Yeah that happens to everyone.
Its like right in between when your artist eye has gotten better, but your technique is a bit behind it,
Just focus on practicing and keep posittivveeee to keep yourself out of an art block
Right after this your art should improve~"

When she wrote "Its like right in between when your artist eye has gotten better, but your technique is a bit behind it", I couldn't believe it. She had taken my frustrations and put it into words, and it suddenly made perfect sense.

I know that I can't stop, that I can't give up. This is what I love...drawing, filming, animating...ART! And even if I get frustrated, I need to keep at it.
So, on that note, this entry begins with a little something I doodled up.

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